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Alumni Voices

I have a picture of me at my SCS Kindergarten graduation holding a sign that said, 'When I grow up I want to be a farmer with chickens, ducks, cows, and horses.' My husband and I have an amazing home with a big yard, some chickens, a goat, a dog named Sonny and lots of kittens running around! So, I guess I really did grow up to be what I wanted to be in Kindergarten!

-Janie Slegers

Meet Trevor and Janie Slegers

SCS Class of 2004

Janie and Trevor Slegers met at Stockdale Christian in 8th grade in 2004. They became friends shortly after and had a little crush on each other. They ended up dating in high school and got married in 2014. Janie and Trevor just celebrated 10 years of marriage and have three daughters.

Trevor majored in Ag Business at Fresno State and is now a fourth generation managing partner at his family’s dairy farm.

Janie majored in Fashion Merchandising at Academy of Art University in San Francisco. She worked in fashion and food styling for a large commercial studio in Chicago and now is a homemaker/stay at home mom/ homeschool teacher.

They also enjoy serving with the Bakersfield Angels, a local non profit that serves our foster care community. Janie serves as a board member, while Trevor volunteers as a mentor.

Q&A with Trevor:

What is your favorite memory of SCS

“Some of my favorite memories are building boats in Mrs. Greenfield’s science class and, of course, meeting Janie.”

how did the education you received at SCS prepare you for Success?

“Mrs. Mayo was a great English teacher that really prepared me for high school.” 

How was SCS Instrumental in increasing your knowledge of Him and his word?

“My 8th grade Bible class helped me learn on an academic level more about the Bible, grow in my faith, and be confident in it.”

Q&A with Janie:

What is your favorite memory of SCS

“I loved learning how to play the trumpet from Mr. Scudder and playing volleyball on the Open Team with Coach Shane.”

how did the education you received at SCS prepare you for Success?

“Stockdale Christian taught me how to persevere. I struggled in school and always had a lot of help, but the foundation was always to stay steady and keep trying. I was able to apply that skill to the rest of my life and it has served me well.”

How was SCS Instrumental in increasing your knowledge of Him and his word?

“I came to know Christ through school, my church and my parents. Chapel was a big part of my continued growth in my faith. In 7th grade, in the Blue Chapel, I remember so distinctly the Holy Spirit speaking to me to go up for prayer during that time and it felt like SCS was a safe space to do so.”