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Student Services


Do you need before or after school care for your SCS student?

We offer homework assistance, physical activities, science, arts & crafts, and bible lessons in our student care program. Our students will also have opportunities to participate in fun activities like obstacle courses, movie days, and service projects to the Manor.

We are open before school from 7:00-8:00 am and after school from 3:30-5:30 pm. We offer annual and daily billing plans. To register your child for our student care program please email or call (661) 327-3927, and we will be happy to assist!

Student Service Fees for 2024-2025

Daycare is for all students in K-8 grade who arrive on campus before 8:00 am or are on campus 15 minutes after their grade level dismissal time.  State law requires adult supervision of all students at all times when on campus. In order to provide adequate staff during these hours, it is necessary for parents to sign up if they plan to use the Daycare program on a regular basis.  Please note that those picking up students must show personal identification and must sign the child(ren) out on the daycare check-in/check-out form. 

Daycare is charged annually or daily. The annual charges are billed the first of each month; August to June. 

Annual Rate: (paid 11 equal monthly payments August - June)

  FAMILY WITH ONE STUDENT $4,510 $410 monthly
  FAMILY WITH TWO STUDENTS $6,160 $560 monthly


Daily Rate: $30.00 per student for 7 am to 8 am and 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm (not on annual rate contract).

AM Drop-in Rate: $8.00 per student for 7 am to 8 am.

PM Drop-in Rate: $22.00 per student for 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

Late Fee: Students on campus after 5:30 pm will be charged a minimum of $5.00 for the first five minutes and $1.00 per minute thereafter. This amount will be charged to your FACTS account.


*Beginning January 6th, Preschool and After Care will be closing at 5:30pm.

Meet Our Student Services Staff

Cat Blanton

Cat Blanton

Titles: Student Services Director
Judy Luebrecht

Judy Luebrecht

Titles: Student Services Staff
Karissa Parmelee

Karissa Parmelee

Titles: Student Services Staff
Karen Sherwood

Karen Sherwood

Titles: Student Services Staff
Jin Yi

Jin Yi

Titles: Student Services Staff